The cells of plants, animals, and humans store and release observable light particles called biophotons. (If you want hard science, you can visit this NCBI article) Each cell in the body releases over 100,000 biophotons per second, which carry energy and information throughout the body. Biophotons weave a web of light that connects cells, tissues, and organs, and creates the biofield. Biophotons stored in each organ, give that organ its own unique frequency signature and electromagnetic field.

Dr Fritz Popp

We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”

Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp

The heart has the most powerful electromagnetic field of all the organs, including the brain. The heart’s electromagnetic field generates over 50,000 femtoteslas of energy, compared with the brain, which emits 10. The heart’s electromagnetic field is so expansive that it contains all other fields.

The heart’s electromagnetic field extends beyond the body, and thus becomes what is known as the human biofield. Thoughts and emotions are the primary determinants of the size and strength of the biofield. Positive thoughts and emotions cause a person’s biofield to expand, while negative thoughts and emotions cause it to contract.

One person’s electromagnetic field can cause another person’s field to expand or contract. Anyone coming within the sphere of another person’s energy field, will be affected by the positive or negative energy held in that field.

Anyone coming within the sphere of another person’s energy field, will be affected by the positive or negative energy held in that field.

Get the picture?

You can find more about the current science, catching up with the empirical technologies of ancient healing practices via the Heartmath Institute