This is an alternative for tobacco smokers. This mix is balanced with herbs that soothe and cleanse the lungs, clear the mind and calm the nervous system, providing an over-all relaxing and pleasant smoke.
I like to add up to about 10% American Spirit additive free tobacco in my own pouch, but this mix is tobacco free, containing:

- Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) – clears lungs, soothes throat
- Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) – calms nervous system, enhances dreaming
- White sage (Salvia apiana) – anti-microbial, cleansing
- Indian Warrior Plant (Pedicularis densiflora) – muscle relaxant, aphrodisiac, antidepressant
- Lavander (Lavandula angustifolia) – sedating, antidepressant
Excluded: American Spirit (Nicotiana tabacum) – tranquilizing, antipsychotic
These herbs were formulated over many years living in the California wilderness region of Big Sur. I discovered the rare and unusual Indian Warrior Plant in bloom one year, hidden deep in the oak forests high above the Pacific coast. It summoned me, so to speak, and I began a relationship with the spirit of these plants. This is good medicine for the untethered Western mind. You will enjoy it’s pleasant, subtle, but deep calm!

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